Disclaimer: This is my own personal account and story, based on my experiences and what has helped me. Please, always consult your personal physician or mental health professional regarding any medical issues, questions or lifestyle changes.
When I’m off my routine, chaos ensues. I’ve always been this way. Therefore, not being able to go about my daily normal tasks during the quarantine has been tough. Just the pure uncertainty of events and all the negative things going on right now is enough to send anyone into a tailspin.
In 2017 I began a lifestyle change regarding my weight and diet. I live with PCOS and at that time the disorder had become completely unmanageable. While I won’t go into specifics regarding the toll the symptoms took on me, I will say, they were severe enough to spur me to extreme action. I began a ketogenic lifestyle, which reversed most of my issues, most noticeably being, my 60 lbs weight loss. After the birth of my son in 2018, I immediately picked up keto and low carb living again, getting within 3 lbs of my pre-baby weight. Then….CORONA. Now, I cant put all the blame on the virus for my reckless habits lately, but it definitely played a huge part and I can’t deny the Corona pounds. I’ve noticed many people on social media talking about the constant snacking at home and I’m no exception.
Now, whatever the Corona virus and quarantine life have taken from you, rather it be a healthy diet, sleeping habits, activities with your family, or work performance…What are we going to do about it??? Well, considering it’s not my first rodeo falling off the wagon with doing things that make me flourish instead of fail….here are my tips for getting yourself back to whatever you desire!
1. Reassess your goals! Things change and different factors within your life are always evolving. Make sure the direction of where you’re striving to go applies to where you are now!
2. Don’t give up because of one bump in the road! So, you messed up, charge it to the game and keep pushing! Do not keep going for a whole week or more with negative behaviors that are hindering you because of one slip up!
3. Write things down! I always find that writing a plan, journaling or brainstorming helps make things “real.” I can see it and imagine it happening.
4. Clean house! This goes literally and figuratively! Get rid of anything that is in the way of your goal. Simple! If it doesn’t help you get to your destination, it’s gotta go!
5. Remember why you started the journey in the first place! Make up your mind that you want to make it happen because it will lead to a happier YOU!
2020 has been rocky! Let’s take back control! What are some tips you’ve utilized in the past to jump start lifestyle changes? Let me know in the comments!
I was so proud of myself for the pounds I had lost, but like so many others I too have gained since the pandemic. Got my workout back on track last week and now I have to get my eating under control, one just don’t work without the other. Thanks little girl for the tips on getting back on track.
I’m slowly getting it together. After reading and researching, I finally decided to start my Keto journey. I could feel the weight gain from all of the eating I’ve been doing during quarantine. Plus I feel blah. Here’s to new starts and reclaiming good habits!
Great post! This uncertain has really allowed me to re-focus and evaluate a lot of things in my personal life. I will come out of this time with a better outlook and motivation to do better.
No one is perfect…the key is realizing the changes are needed and slowly getting back on track.
This chick posted a video on TikTok asking if everyone was drinking everyday or is it just her? Lmao eating and drinking has taken the front seat for many people….including myself! With the Rona, kids, work, homeschool, quarantine, and the uncertainty of the economy….it’s a coping mechanism that just feels good. I keep telling myself that I’m going to get back on track but I fail each time I make an attempt. Hopefully, once we get out of this season…we all can get back to “ourselves”
Thanks Jessica! I needed this!