There is Always Room!

Have you ever been somewhere sitting down and a person walks up, asks is anyone is taking the seat next to you? For example, in church on a pew or on a bus. You scoot over and make room. I’ve even had instances that there wasn’t room, but the whole row will begin to scoot and literally MAKE ROOM! Standing in my closet, I began to think about the concept.

My closet is walk-in but it was definitely where we made a huge concession….I wanted something much larger but relented because our kitchen, which is the heart of our home, took precedence and makes up for it. Since it is smaller than I would like, I often have to purge items I no longer want to consignment shops or charity, in order to have space for all my newer purchases. I’ve began to think about how I make priority and adjustments for things I find important in my life. I always find a way to make room for a new bag, pair of shoes or dress. I throw something out that doesn’t work or I squeeze that new thing in on a hanger with something else.

However, there have been areas in my life where I was not only hesitant, but adamant about not making room for the new. Sometimes there is so much comfortability in not changing things. I’ve been guilty of convincing myself that I don’t need new experiences, relationships or even skills and knowledge. Admitting your lack of expertise in a particular subject does not devalue what you already know!

I’ve made it my mission the last couple months to MAKE ROOM! I’m taking it all in. The faithful areas of my life will still be there, like my trusty pair of mary jane pumps. But the things that hold no substance are leaving, like the ridiculous amount of size 18 clothing I’ve been holding on to scared that I will need them again. I’m embracing the new, like my latest obsession with dresses in patterns and colors!

Just like the items in my closet, I’m making room. Spring is on the way and it’s time to reorganize! Take care of the things you have, speak to someone new and take that class or learn that hobby you’ve been wanting to try! Are you ready to make room?



  1. febnsept
    February 17, 2020 / 11:42 am

    This is a great article. Reminds us to step outside of our comfort zones and change your thinking. A change in perspective makes all the difference.

  2. Jessica
    February 17, 2020 / 12:00 pm

    Thanks! đź–¤ a message I had to share. I’m trying to tackle things that intimidate me in 2020!

  3. Tanosha
    February 17, 2020 / 1:50 pm

    This is great!!!!

  4. Jessica
    February 17, 2020 / 1:51 pm

    Thanks so much! đź–¤

  5. Whitney B.
    February 17, 2020 / 2:42 pm

    Love the topic! New can be uncomfortable and scary…old is a comfort zone that you don’t want to leave. I’m embracing new for 2020! Trying new fashion trends, new hairstyle, new business venture, and whatever else I can be “new” at! It’s exciting to see yourself grow and change just by trying something “new”.

  6. Jessica
    February 17, 2020 / 2:52 pm

    Right! You won’t lose what you know by gaining new experiences.

  7. Annette Williams
    February 18, 2020 / 3:05 pm

    I needed this!

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